project is targeting elaboration of advanced materials/systems covered under umbrella of “smart” electrodes, which can bring significant assets in several important electrochemical/electrophysical applications as catalysis/electrocatalysis, sensoring, thermoelectrics, electrowinning, electrochemical machining and electrospark alloying. The socio-economic impact and the wider societal implications of the project ensue from practical importance of the need of materials for clean renewable energy and clean water from. Thus, electrodes based on chalcogenides and iron group metals were obtained and tested for several applications...


29th Annual Meeting
29th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry Mikulov, Monday 19 April to Wednesday 21 April 2021 The project were presented with one oral

European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems – ECRES 2020, Istanbul, Turkey.
SPECIAL SESSION F: Special Session on SMARTELECTRODES: electro-chemical (electro-physical) methods to design devices/equipment